Monday, May 7, 2012

Fear Not

What are your biggest fears? I have come up with my list. My biggest fears include:
  • The dark 
  • Being left alone 
  • Failure 
  • Disappointing people 
  • Cockroaches 
  • The Unknown 
A few weeks ago, I was listening to a sermon, and the thing that stuck out to me the most didn’t even really relate to the primary topic (it was a sermon on marriage). During his charge to wives, the pastor shared some encouragement; he said that the most-used phrase in the Bible is “Fear not”. The Lord encourages us to stand strong in the face of frightening situations. In Joshua 1:9, the Lord challenges Joshua: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the lord you God is with you wherever you go.”

Last week I started reading through the book of Luke. And I was again reminded of the Lord’s urging to be brave. In Luke 1, we meet Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. They are, shall we say, advanced in years. And Elizabeth is barren. Zechariah serves in the temple, and one day when he is at work and angel appears to him. As my translation puts it, when he saw the angel, Zechariah was “troubled” and “fear came upon him”. (Luke 1:12). Six months later, when the angel appears to Mary to foretell the birth of Jesus, he greets her but she is troubled and confused. He tells her, “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God.” (Luke 1: 30).

In both situations, the recipients of the angel’s news were afraid and unsure. For Zechariah, this was probably a feeling of disbelief that a decades-long prayer for a child has been answered. For Mary her fear was likely a question of whether God’s plan for her future made sense – HER, a VIRGIN, to give birth to the Savior of the world? Seems unlikely..right?

We know how the story turns out – neither Zechariah or Mary let their fear stand in the way of the plan the Lord had for them. They trusted the Lord and knew that whatever He was orchestrating in their lives was ultimately for their best. I’m sure we’ve all had experiences where the Lord was showing us something, a plan He has for us, an obedience He is calling us to. As I shared some of my biggest fears, I’ve been wondering:

How often do I cower, retreat back when facing a fear? How often do I refrain from sharing truth with people because I’m afraid of their reaction? How often do I fail to try something new or different or study something because I might not be good at it? And more importantly, why do I do these things when the God of the Universe is telling me not to be afraid?

This week I’m praying that I’d be obedient to the Lord when he commands me to fear not; that I’d be strong and courageous. Would you pray that with me – for me and for yourself?

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