Monday, November 4, 2013

Advent and Babies

Advent, the four Sundays immediately preceding Christmas, has and forever will be one of my very favorite liturgical seasons. It is a time of excitement and expectancy, anticipation and waiting, joyful waiting. All of this buildup is okay because we know that at the end of that season of waiting, there is the best gift: arrival of Christ - the Creator coming to Earth, Emmanuel, God With Us!

I feel like I am in a season of waiting right now. Baby Brick is due tomorrow! However, all signs are pointing to the baby coming late, and likely me being induced in a week or so. Here I am at the end of what has been an 'easy' pregnancy, waiting not-so-patiently to meet this little one. I find myself researching wives' tales and other labor-inducing tricks. As everyone asks me how I'm feeling, I have begun to sigh and feign misery. The truth is, I feel fine. I'm slightly uncomfortable and there are some mornings where I don't feel wonderful, but overall I have nothing to complain about.

The issue, then, is more with my heart than my body. For the past 33 weeks and 6 days, I have been mentally preparing myself for November 5, the due date assigned to Baby Brick by the doctor. In my head, I set that date as the end point, the Christmas to my Advent season, if you will. So when I went to the doctor late last week and was told yet again that my body was not yet showing signs of labor, I was utterly disappointed. I spent the weekend moping and fretting and looking up tips and tricks to start the process naturally.

Yesterday as I was struggling and seeking solace and trying to find peace, I was graciously reminded by my Father that all of this will happen in His time - no matter how far I walk, or how much spicy food I eat or whatever other techniques I employ. I am having to let go of any sense of control over the situation, to learn to wait joyfully and not begrudgingly, to live in the truth that the gift at the end of this waiting is so worth the wait, no matter if it is a few days longer than I was expecting. My prayer for the next hours and days as I wait to meet my little one, to find out of I am a momma to a son or a daughter, is that my waiting would be full of joy, not tinged with bitterness because I am not in control (as if I ever am!). That my heart would be content just a little longer, until the timing is right for all this to happen. That I would live with expectancy and have an Advent mindset, not growing impatient.

Baby Brick, your dad and I are so ready to meet you! But we're willing to wait patiently, joyfully until the fullness of time for your arrival.