Monday, October 19, 2009

Shower the People You Love with Love

Holy freakin crap! We’re getting married in just over a month!!! And, we haven’t updated our blog in way too long…

So, to recap what we’ve been up to since August. Sarah moved down to New Orleans into a cute apartment in Uptown. (More details about that to come). Both of us started a new semester of school – Sarah’s first at the University of New Orleans (UNO) and Matt's 5th semester at Seminary. We’re both working as well. Sarah works as a Graduate Assistant in the Accounting Department at UNO, where she is a jack of all trades. Matt is continuing his work at Vintage Church, where he currently oversees the administrative and operations of the church. He also serves as the Missions Coordinator, leading teams who come in to serve and love New Orleans. So, we’ve been just a bit too busy living life to actually write about it. But we’re glad to be back on the blog.

We’re so excited that our Big Day is coming up so soon, and we wanted to say thanks and share with everyone some pics from our triathlon of showers in Knoxville before we headed back down.

First up was Sarah’s bridal shower, hosted by her fabulous bridesmaids, at Tate and Kelly’s house. It was so fun to be able to catch up with good friends – girls I’ve known since I was 4, and girls who I’ve known for 4 years, who have become lifelong friends. We played the obligatory shower games (though I admit they were pretty awesome). By far the best game was the toilet paper bride contest.

Sarah with the TP Bride contestants.

Sarah with ‘The Team’ after the shower.

There was a mountain of gifts, among them a coffeemaker (which has already been put to good use), lots of Fiestaware, a crockpot, and cooking utensils. The gifts were wonderful, but so much more than presents, I am thankful for the relationships I have with all of these girls. They are blessings to me.

The second shower we had was hosted by Matt’s Aunt Elaine and took place at the John Sevier Lodge in Seymour. It was a gift card shower, so we got LOTS of gift cards (which have already started to come in handy) but also lots of gifts. The standout of the shower, though, was a gift from Matt’s Ging. She presented him with the quilt she made for him years ago. He suggested we bring it down to NOLA and use it as soon as possible as a blanket for the couch. That suggestion was declined swiftly and certainly. Clearly he doesn’t understand the idea of protecting keepsakes… men!

Us with Ging, and the beautiful quilt.

The bride and groom, and the madres. Apparently it was required that the mothers wear coral…

Our final shower was hosted by Sarah’s aunts, cousins, and church family. It was at Asbury UMC (aka Ground Zero for Nov. 21). It was a drop-in shower with a laid back atmosphere. We got to catch up with family and friends in between opening even more gifts.

Trying to not break the bows

No, Sarah’s not pregnant – stupid flowy dress!!

Until next time.....
33 days!

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